I am rooting for Jesus!

This weekend, I am bummed out because all the teams I rooted for went down in defeat: 

-      Saturday, Georgia lost to Alabama

-      Sunday afternoon, Atlanta lost to Baltimore

-      Sunday evening, my squad in Pittsburgh lost to the L.A. Chargers. 

My Granddaughter comforted the lament of my 0-3 weekend by saying, “Grandpa don’t worry. Jesus is still rooting for you!”  

In this Advent Season, as we anticipate the birth and the second coming of Jesus, no truer words could have been spoken. 

-      Jesus was rooting for you when he was born and laid in that manager.

-      Jesus was rooting for you with every parable told, every person healed, and with every uncomfortable truth told.

-      Jesus was rooting for you when he was arrested, beaten, crucified and died.

-      Jesus was rooting for you when he arose with all power in His hands, and Jesus is rooting for you when he returns. 

However, the question is this:  Are we rooting for Jesus?

-      I am I rooting for Jesus with my time, money and talents.

-      I am I rooting for Jesus by actively making disciples as commanded in the Great Commission. 

-      I am I rooting for Jesus by loving my neighbor as much as I love myself. 

My Granddaughter convinced me that rooting for Jesus is far better than rooting for a football team.  So, while my football teams went down to defeat 0-3, I am still a winner!  Why?  Because Jesus is on my sideline, Jesus is my offensive and defensive line, and Jesus is my head coach. 


Yes, I am rooting for Jesus!