The Length Of Days

The summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere will take place on Thursday, June 20th,2024.


The summer solstice, the longest day of the year is celebrated by many cultures around the world.  From sunrise to sunset people flock to festivals with food, dance, and merriments.


Proverbs 3:1-2 calls on us to never forget the things we were taught about the Lord.  We are called on to store the commands of the Lord on our hears.   For when we do, we this will enjoy length of days, with peace added to this longer time. 


However, in referring to length of days the writer of Proverbs was referencing the quality of life not the length of life.  “Longevity has it place.”  as Dr. King said in his Mountain Top Sermon delivered the night before he was killed.  Yet, it is the wisdom gained used and passed on during our lifetimes, regardless of if they are short or long is truly the place where God wants us to be.    


I pray that you will enjoy the longer days.  I pray that you will enjoy the enjoy the harvest to come.  And I pray that you will enjoy the summer solstice.


As we celebrate let us remember it is not the length of days that will be judged by.  But rather it the quality of our lives as we remember the command of Proverbs 3:1-2 for us to never forget the things we were taught about the Lord.



Use this link to watch the devotional The Length Of Days