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It Is Time For Us To Vote

The late Congressman John Lewis said it best: “The right to vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool or instrument in a democratic society. We must use it.


This is the season for us the use the vote! Early voting in Georgia has started and will end on November 4th.  


If you ever think that just one vote in a sea of millions cannot make much of a difference, consider some of the closest elections in U.S. history.


In 2000, Al Gore narrowly lost the Electoral College vote to George W. Bush. The election came down to a recount in Florida, where Bush had won the popular vote by such a small margin that it triggered an automatic recount and a Supreme Court case (Bush v. Gore). In the end, Bush won Florida by 537 votes. Had 600 more pro-Gore voters gone to the polls in Florida that November, there may have been an entirely different president from 2000–2008.


More recently, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by securing a close Electoral College win. Although the election did not come down to a handful of votes in one state, Trump’s votes in the Electoral College decided a tight race. Clinton had won the national popular vote by nearly three million votes, but the concentration of Trump voters in key districts in “swing” states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan helped seal enough electoral votes to win the presidency.


Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church supports the right to vote. We have created a voter guide and other materials designed to assist you in the voting process.  You can find the guide on my website 


Let us make real the mission that Congressman Lewis and so many others dedicated their lives.  It is time for us to vote.